14 Dic Byzantine Music: An introduction to a religious and cultural treasure of the Eastern Orthodox Church
The Byzantine music has evolved and transformed across the centuries until today.
Having adopted a more oriental style and different notes in relation to the most familiar
for many people western music, it still fascinates our modern world for both its aesthetical effect and prayerful character, able to transmit to the listeners a sense of Heaven.
We would be happy, if you joined us, in order to have a taste of that treasure.
June, 5th 2022
4-6pm (CET)
Seminar location: on line
(Instructions upon registration)

Language of the course: ENGLISH


Art paléo-chrétien et Haut Moyen-Âge (IVe-XIIe s.)

Art médiéval (XIIe-XVe s.)

Renaissance et art moderne (XVIe-XVIIIe s.)